Thursday, May 1, 2008

It Never Happened, Or Maybe I Just Wasn't Paying Attention

What are future generations going to think about its history's past when they hear of such horrid stories including 9/11, the ongoing war in Iraq, our nation's controversy with oil. It is possible that our government is working alongside entertainment technology in order that our knowledge isn't based around the controversies and troubles that our government has taken part in. Rather with Apple releasing the iPod and various other electronic devices finally being revealed, I believe we as a nation will become deafened by these gadgets, thus not taking into coincidence what went on in the United States.

I'm certain that government understand that the prevalence of hearing has nearly quadrupled as a result of the invention of iPods. Currently more technology is being released that is expediting the process of hearing loss. For example, I currently have Bose noise-canceling headphones on. Why noise-canceling and why hasn't our government cared at all about the issue of hearing loss and how our nation is always being distracted by technology. This is the government's underground plan to wipe away its harsh history. By entertaining people with new gadgets that help them become unaware of their surroundings, our government has successfully been able to cover up reasons of going to Iraq for oil.

Apple, Microsoft, Zune, etc. all play a role in the government's huge and patient hoax. By partnering with the entertainment industry, our economy gains money, thus people are happy. The government is then smiled upon for the brief moments of finally understanding that the economy isn't in such a slump after all. After the government has realized that the nation has become uneasy about its nation's decisions, secret meetings are set up which help decide when to launch the new technology from Apple or Microsoft. This back up plan of introducing a new gadget into the world will buy time for the government.

When our generation of youth have reached their 40's, I believe that we will find ourselves dumbfounded at the fact that we really did not have a full grasp of what was going on in the world. We may know exactly how many songs were on our iPods, or when Limewire or Napster was terminated. Many of us will have a sever case of hearing loss, meaning that we will have a hard time relaying our knowledge because we are too depressed with our own well-beings. Hearing loss can lead to depression. Since communication is the main means of relating with others, people who constantly find themselves asking, "Can you repeat that?" will eventually stop talking to others because of their hearing problems. Our government has constructed a well thought out means of silencing its generation of people that experienced 9/11, the war in Iraq, and even the older generations with the JFK assassination.

Walking to class, I see 4 out of 10 people who have earphones. These people are unaware of their surroundings, I just hope that in the future, they will not be the ones sitting alone in their houses questioning what really happened during their adolescence.