Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gateway Into a College Student's Mind; 'Oh SLU, You've Been So Good to Me'

I find myself sitting in my dorm room with the lights out. Roommate number 1 is already sleeping and roommate number two went out for a smoke. I am here typing away as I have seemed to have found myself in a adrenaline rush for writing. I have just written 2 essays for my communication science and disorders class and I recently finished my 'Good and Bad Source' blog. My mindset is currently carefree right now. I remember the times when I would bring back a good paper to my parents to feel how proud they are for me. Now it seems like the best is what I'm always striving for. No more parents around to run off to show my outstanding work on a class project, presentation, or paper. Life right now is currently taken for granted and almost robotic. College students are hindered by the immense load of homework that we need to finish. We never have enough time to really appreciate our work because we find ourselves worrying about the next huge assignment that is coming up. These ideas are all a representation of my paradigm as a hard working college student. I have come to know other people out there who don't have to try as hard, but still get the A's and are able to go out on weekends.

I find that I need to suffer so much now, because in the end I will find out that it was all worth it. The late night on my computer not playing computer games, rather writing essays and crossing off my 'to-do' list on my planner. I find myself exhausted already, but I find energy and hope that summer is 3 months. I mean this semester has not been a very long 3 months, but I feel that the last couple of weeks will feel like a glimpse of hell. Studying for finals, cleaning, fixing the room, storing everything I own into cardboard boxes; so that I can somehow find a truck to move it all to storage, all of this while I try not to print off my intinery and somehow pack correctly so that I don't go over the 50 pound weight limited and force my parents to indirectly pay an extra $25. Overall I have enjoyed college, the slight seconds of glory as I turn in a paper and finish taking a test/quiz with a feeling of delight. But these moments never last forever, suddenly I find that the 5 hours spent on research and another 5 hours spent on preparing the presentaion was not enough, plus that test/quiz that I thought I did well on was actually all a fluke, and I find myself questioning if I was studying or was that 3 hours of my life for 4 days in a row all a dream.

Yes, this all exist within my mind.
Thanks for reading and sorry for the sentence errors; it's getting late. I have a pre-cal quiz at 10. Goodnite.

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