Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pet Psychics

Humans love their animals so much that they want to know anything and everything that is going on inside their minds. Whether it is a an old lady's cat that has started to act weird or a hyperactive poodle that has stopped behaving properly, pet owner's all around the world have resorted to extreme means with wanting to become closer with their 'best friends'. Like humans, who are brought to psychics when they are acting funny or their loved ones want to know more about them, pets are also cared for the same exact way! There are professionals out there that have dedicated their lives to understanding the minds of animals.

Pet psychics, whom are "also known as animal intuitive or animal communicators" have a different paradigm concerning animals and their abnormal actions. Pet psychics claim they intentionally use their minds to talk to animals, while normal pet owners unintentionally talk to their animals with their minds. Meeting between pets and animal psychics can happen via telephone or in person. I don't understand how pet psychics can work with their patient through the telephone because I believe actual eye to eye contact should be made when working with a patient. This idea of working over the phone can relate with actual human psychics and the idea of them also working over the phone. If humans prefer to see their psychic in person, why do worried owners regress to phone calls when wanting to find out information concerning to dog.

The term "extrasensory perception (ESP) refers to the bond between man and animals. This bond is formed through constant experience and growth within the family. I believe animals are practically one hundred just like having a actual human being in the family because pets get as much and even more attention in the family. The family pet is usually loved by everyone, while in some circumstances, not everyone in the family may like each other. Pet psychics focus on animals that can talk, animals that seem to be psychics themselves, and the overall relationship between the owner and the animal. Pet psychic's main purpose is to bridge the gap in the relationship. Usually, when owners hire psychics, they care deeply for their animals; therefore, they pay money in order to straighten out their relationship. The love that an owner receives from its pet is priceless, this is the reason why owners do not mind hiring pet psychics.

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